10 Speed to Lead Stats All Revenue Teams Should Know

10 Speed to Lead Stats All Revenue Teams Should Know

On the fence about the importance of speed to lead/lead response time? The 10 statistics below are sure to put a burr under your saddle to improve.

  1. Seventy-eight percent of customers buy from the company that responds to their inquiry first (Lead Connect)
  2. Lead response time on web-generated leads averages 17 hours (Ricochet360)
  3. You are seven times more likely to qualify leads when reaching out within an hour as opposed to just one hour later (Harvard Business Review)
  4. Revenue teams are 21 times more effective when calling within five minutes of prospect first contact as opposed to calling after 30 minutes (LeadSimple)
  5. Companies experience a 391 percent increase in lead conversions when responding within one minute (Velocity)
  6. Only seven percent of companies of companies respond to leads within five minutes (Drift)
  7. Remarkably, 55 percent of companies respond to leads in five or more days (Drift)
  8. Odds of qualifying leads decrease 80 percent after five minutes has elapsed (Vendasta)
  9. Leads are 10 times less likely to respond if outreach takes more than five minutes (LeadResponseManagement.org)
  10. Seventy-three percent of leads never get followed up with (InsideSales)

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