Golden Moment Call

Golden Moment Call

A New Lead Comes

Leadport integrates with your forms on your website and your Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram ads. When a new lead submits a form or inquiry through your website or social media ads, Leadport's Golden Moment Call is automatically triggered.

A New Lead Comes

Leadport Robot Calls Your Sales Representative Immediately

Leveraging your pre-defined rules, Leadport's robot instantly identifies the most suitable sales representative to handle the incoming lead. If the initially selected representative is unavailable, the robot seamlessly connects with other qualified representatives until a connection is established.


Leadport Robot Calls Your Sales Representative Immediately

Your Sales Representative Picks Up the Phone

The moment your sales representative picks up the call, Leadport's robot promptly relays the lead's information, including their name, company details, any relevant inquiries, and a prompt for the sales representative to press "1" to connect the lead immediately. This empowers your sales representative to engage in a productive conversation from the very first moment, fostering a positive customer experience and significantly increasing the likelihood of conversion.


Your Sales Representative Picks Up the Phone

The customer answers the incoming call

Leadport's Golden Moment Call ensures that your sales representative connects with the lead at the most opportune time, when their interest is still high. This synchronized interaction fosters a positive customer experience and increases the likelihood of conversion.

With Leadport's Golden Moment Call, you can monitor and analyze call records through our mobile application or web version, gaining valuable insights into your sales team's performance and identifying areas for improvement.


The customer answers the incoming call